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Tips & Tricks
How To Get Your Magnet Off A Object
Youtube — 1:07How To Properly Throw A Magnet
Youtube — 0:44How To Retrieve Your Magnet
Youtube — 0:42How To Properly Throw A Magnet
Youtube — 0:44How To Retrieve Your Magnet
Youtube — 0:42Have a question? We are here to help.
How strong of a magnet do I need for magnet fishing?
How strong of a magnet do I need for magnet fishing?
When looking for the best magnet for magnet fishing, make sure you are looking at the pulling force of the magnet. For beginners, start with a 300kg / 660lb pull force. This would be powerful enough to haul metal objects from the water, and also easy to use and to bring with. For the more advanced, choose a higher pull force or even the strongest magnet you can find! Another thing to pay attention to is the type of magnets. Single and double-sided magnets often have a high pull force, but only on one or two sides of the magnet. If you don’t want to miss any chance of getting a treasure caught, try the all-around fishing magnet. With its 360 degrees pulling capability, you’ll be sure it won’t leave any object behind.
What kind of magnet do you need for magnet fishing?
What kind of magnet do you need for magnet fishing?
Firstly, you need a strong neodymium magnet for magnet fishing. Neodymium magnets are made from rare-earth metal materials, which are considered to be some of the strongest metals on earth. Thus, making it the best material for fishing magnets. Secondly, you can look into the type of fishing magnets; single-sided, double-sided, and all-around 360 magnets. You can go for the classic magnet, also known as a single-sided magnet. This magnet has a high pulling force on the bottom of the magnet and is already protected by its steel surface.
If you want to increase your chance of catching treasures, you can opt for the Bulldog magnet, also known as a double-sided magnet. This magnet allows you to efficiently scan the bottom of the water with its mounted magnets on both sides. Want to go all in? Then go with the all-around 360 magnets! Its 360 degrees pulling capability will, even more, increase your chance of finding treasures!
What is the best way to magnet fish?
What is the best way to magnet fish?
First of all, get your magnet fishing gears ready. Make sure you have a powerful neodymium magnet to haul the underwater metal treasures. Then, depending on the location you pick for magnet fishing, you can try these methods; If you are magnet fishing from a bridge or shore, the best way to magnet fish is to throw or drop your magnet. Make sure you have a long rope and carabiner and attach them to the bridge while throwing. This method also works well if you’re trolling with a boat! If you choose to magnet fish in a shallow and muddy body of water, you will need a Magnet Fishing Spike. While this tool requires you to get into the water, it will enable you to place your magnet precisely on the spot!
What size magnet is best for magnet fishing?
What size magnet is best for magnet fishing?
Let’s start with the fact that the size of the magnet doesn’t matter that much compared to the pull force. The size of the magnet is determined by the materials. If it’s made from cheap raw materials, it will require more material to make it powerful. Whereas if it’s made from high quality materials, less material is needed to suffice the pull force intended — which results in a smaller size magnet. So don’t be tempted by the size of the magnet. Instead, focus on the right pulling force depending on your needs!
Is magnet fishing legal?
Is magnet fishing legal?
Currently, in most countries, magnet fishing is legal to do. However, it’s strongly recommended to double-check whether or not magnet fishing is allowed in your local area. If you plan to magnet fish in private waterways, please seek permission first. Don’t forget to keep the fishing spot tidy and clean after magnet fishing.
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